Fan of Cards
Made on 2023-03-14, last updated 2023-04-03
On 3/14/2023, I made the first fan of cards component. I learned from my employer that my work will be 100% contained within an environment that is inaccessible via the methods I use to work on this project, so I'm good to go with continuing work here!
Day one, just added the cards in the right shape and a fine arrangement.
Day two, added a hover effect: expand the stack!
Day three, improved the hover effect. It now has something to see on a per-card basis. Also, the images are no longer stretched.
Day four, the fan can take a variable number of card children. Current maximum is 12.
Day five, much later, has been spent working on more broad-strokes structure for this UI iteration stuff. Making the templates simpler to use, more extensible, stuff like that.
Day six, more refactoring & polish. Added a custom hook and a util function to build a list of an arbitrary length with a mapping callback.